Adding New Functionality to Our Corporate Websites

    Introducing the 6 Ds

    New functionality including pop-up forms, 3D imagery, an ROI calculator and a solution for audience customization has been built for our corporate sites at the request of our markeeting teams over the past year. Here is an introduction to our steps for evaluating and executing these requests.








    What is driving the need? Are there examples of something similar? Is this something that more than one division or region would find useful? Please note: New functionality needs to be able to be used cross-divisionally and cross-regionally to be covered by the Corporate Communications digital budget.


    What should this look like? How should it behave for the user? How will it be managed by our content editors?

    Agency designer creates draft of user-facing part of new functionality. UX team thinks through how to make the new element reusable, efficient and user-friendly. Detailed specs are crafted for the developement team.

    Developers translate the design into a usable feature on the site.

    Development team will publish the functionality while following standard deployment protocol including quality assurance testing.

    After a new feature is launched, we can gather data about how it performs and make adjustments accordingly. This phase includes testing and analysis of the new element.